
Your Gateway to Immersive Travel Experiences!

Relive history where it happened, and find all relevant tourism information and content in one easy app.

Benefits for Tourists

All Relevant Content

Embark on a journey of limitless discovery with the only app you need for all relevant content. Landmarks, museums, restaurants, events – kompaio™ has it all.

Preloaded Tours

Select from a carefully curated collection of preloaded tours designed to get the most out of your travels. Let each step unfold a story, as our tours become your personalized gateway to the heart of every destination.

Immersive Experiences

Dive into a world where history comes alive in 3D with augmented reality. Witness historical landmarks materialize before your eyes, creating a connection between the past and the present.

Discover & Create

Get the most out of your adventure by discovering all hidden gems along our routes, complete with audio guides. Or create your own tour and share what you've explored with others.


Enjoy a restaurant or bar when you need a break, discovering local tastes. Or find events, handpicked to enrich your travel experience, immersing yourself in the local culture.

Benefits for Destinations


The first all-in digital platform to serve your visitor with curated information and rich content, including immersive augmented reality experiences.


Intuitive, hassle-free content management, putting your staff in full control.

Low Monthly Fee

A low monthly subscription fee includes all future innovations and updates.
A white-labeled app in the destination's house colors and design language is available at an extra charge.

Data Analytics

Data analytics for great insights into visitor behavior and preferences.


The first all-in digital platform to serve your visitor with curated information and rich content, including immersive augmented reality experiences.


No more switching between apps and websites


Choose from many preloaded walking and cycling tours, with all info, pictures, videos, and audio guides.

Augmented Reality

Immersive experiences with 3D models reviving historical locations and events.

For Cities, Towns, Destinations or Events

Plan a meeting now to see how Kompaio™ can power your city, destination or event!

Do you also want to offer your visitors the most advanced and immersive local experience? Then click here to plan a call or (online) meeting with someone from the kompaio™ team.

Meet the Team

Joachim Moors

Co-founder & CEO

Christoph Klenner

Co-founder & CCO

Jeroen Celis


Pieter Kindermans

Web Developer

Technology Team


Specialised in IOS and Android development as well as integrated augmented Reality.
